Monday, February 20, 2006

Til Hamingju Ísland

And the results are in. Silvía Nótt will represent Iceland at the 2006 Eurovision Song Contest. She won the final competition with a massive 70% of the votes. In a country of give or take 300,000 inhabitants, almost 120,000 votes were recorded. Which goes to show how seriously Eurovision is taken. Unless there’s not much else worthy of attention these dark winter days. Silvía is actually actress Ágústa Eva Erlendsdóttir who will play the part of Eva Lind in the upcoming movie Jar City. She’s also playing a role in this song which could either prove hilarious or embarrassing. It appears most of Iceland thinks she’s hilarious. Here’s the song's video. And here’s a translation of the crazy lyrics:

Til Hamingju Ísland - Silvía Nótt

Hey you! Really cool! I wanna talk with you.
I'm Silvia Night shining in the light.
I know you're longing for me.
I'm born in Reykjavik, talentful, no village freak.
I know I'm gonna win the f’ing final.
All the other songs have lost.
Congratulations Iceland, that I was born here.
I'm Silvía Nótt, and you support me.
Eurovision Nation will have a fit when I come along.
I'm born to win this, walk over it.
Cool, cool, cool.
Nice song, really cool, nothing 90s disgust.
It's cool, okay, it isn't gay, I'm here to stay.
The other bitches have spots, but I'm a virgin.
You love me. You worship me. But again it sucks.

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