Thursday, July 27, 2006

It's just another day

Actually, it's better than just another day because I've been on vacation from work. Lazing about my sister's pool is for some reason more enjoyable than dragging myself into my strange workplace where I find myself counting the years left (far too many) before I can swing retirement. If I knew the future, I could plan said retirement better. Say, if I was only going to live until age 70, then I could retire early. If I'm going to live up into triple digits, all hope is lost. There's a webpage called Death Forecast which asks some basic questions and predicts how long you will live. Here's the good and bad news in my case:
Varushka's Death Forecast: It is estimated that you will die at the age of 89 Years Old.


graceInk said...

Blimey - I just took the test and I will only live to be 85 it said! You get to stick around this earth longer than me...

Mrs Vee said...

Who's the one with the math degree again?? I'm considerably older than you, as much as it pains me to admit it, so you'll be on this planet many years after me! Well, 12 anyway. Are you gonna attend my funeral? Get them to play some Icelandic tunes, will ya?

graceInk said...

Sure, I'm definitely attending your funeral and I shall make them play some wonderful Icelandic tunes ;-)