Sunday, January 27, 2013

Tell you all about it when I get home

Ewan and Charley went back out on the road again in "Long Way Down," this time riding from the northern tip of Scotland (count how many times Ewan says John O'Groats) to the southern tip of Africa. Watching this immediately after finishing "Long Way Round" made for an abrupt change of feel - they seemed more subdued and serious, like this was a job (which it was) rather than just an adventure. Everyone seemed tense from expecting to meet schedules and deadlines until they had a huge off-camera blow up in Ethiopia. Then tensions eased and the guys seemed more like themselves, fraternizing with the locals, being sillier. Later Ewan's wife pulled a Yoko. I understand her wanting to be with her husband but since she previously had zero experience riding any type of motorcycle anywhere, it seemed dangerously foolish.

The disparity of attitude and landscape from one African country to another was often staggering. A school friend of mine has done missions work with the orphans of Ethiopia so I appreciated seeing a small glimpse of what she and her family have lived with. The scenery was always astounding no matter where they were. Count how many times Ewan compares where they are to Scotland. I didn't think any of it looked like Scotland, except Scotland. I loved the people who put up a huge sign near the road for them to stop in for a cup of tea. Amazing to see the pyramids right beside the road. Amusing how no one at the Tunisian "Star Wars" set recognized Ewen.

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