Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Work, work, work harder You say

Movie: Joy. Somewhat based on the life and work of Joy Mangano, the creator of the Miracle Mop although the movie does not call it that. An engaging film about how she came up with the idea, found financing for it and tried to market it. At first she didn't succeed and the try, try again ending to that phrase is what made her successful in the long run. Isabella Rosellini was wonderful as her father's girlfriend. It seemed very true to life how family members like her father (Robert De Niro) would be giving her negative advice, like, it's never going to work, you should give up, you tried but failed so file bankruptcy. I think we all learned how important it is to follow your instincts and stick by what you believe in. Nice to see Dascha Polanco released and out of the orange and/or khaki. I wondered why the Joan  Rivers impersonator was so spot on until seeing in the ending credits that Melissa Rivers played her. Marvelous.

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