Friday, February 28, 2025

C is for Cookie

Dreams can sometimes come true. Usually they do not. However, this past week I dreamed that the Girl Scouts implemented several new kinds of cookies for their fund raiser. Now, maybe I saw an ad somewhere along my wanderings about this. It's rare for me to pay attention to ads, but who knows what my subconscious does when I'm not looking. But yes, the Girl Scouts do have several new kinds of cookies they added a few years ago, although two of them (Toast-Yay! and S’mores) will not be returning after this year. So order yours now and support a good cause.

2025 cookie flavors

  •     Adventurefuls: brownie-inspired cookies topped with caramel flavored crème
  •     Caramel Chocolate Chip
  •     Caramel deLites/Samoas: Crisp cookies with caramel, coconut and chocolaty stripes
  •     Do-si-dos/Peanut Butter Sandwich: Crunchy oatmeal sandwich cookies with peanut butter filling
  •     Girl Scout S'mores: Crunch graham sandwich cookies with chocolate and marshmallow filling
  •     Lemonades: Savory shortbread cookies topped with lemon-flavored icing
  •     Lemon-Ups: Crispy lemon cookies with inspiring messages
  •     Peanut Butter Patties/Tagalongs: Crispy cookies layered with peanut butter, covered with a chocolate coating
  •     Thin Mints
  •     Toast-Yay!: Toast-shaped cookies full of French toast flavor dipped in icing
  •     Toffee-tastic: Rich, buttery cookies with crunchy toffee bits
  •     Trefoils: Shortbread cookies 



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